Martin Brest

scent-of-a-woman Occupation: Director
Also: Producer, screenwriter
Born: 1951, Bronx, NY
Education: NYU (film); AFI, Los Angeles


After making an award-winning short while a student at NYU ( HOT DOGS FOR GAUGUIN , starring Danny De Vito), Brest wrote and directed his first feature, HOT TOMORROWS (1977), during a fellowship program at the American Film Institute. He achieved "wunderkind" status at age 28, directing veteran performers George Burns, Lee Strasberg, and Art Carney in GOING IN STYLE (1979), which he also scripted. Brest next developed the sci-fi thriller WARGAMES (released in 1983) but was pushed off in favor of John Badham. He proved adept at the action-comedy genre and scored big at the box office with the first Eddie Murphy vehicle, BEVERLY HILLS COP (1984). Brest then joined the succession of major filmmakers who were involved in but did not make RAIN MAN , before directing Robert De Niro in an effective, lighthearted role opposite Charles Grodin, in MIDNIGHT RUN (1988). In 1992 Brest broke away from the action-comedy genre with the popular drama SCENT OF A WOMAN , featuring a blind, embittered Army Colonel played by Al Pacino.

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